
There is a Taoist saying

" when you drink the water, remember where it came from"

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my teachers and mentors, to my beloved family and especially, to the loving lady next to me. For her trust and patience, her love and wisdom; from whom I learned so much about harmony and balance, music and art, gardening and farming, Feng Shui, natural energies, geomancy and environmentalism, … and most of all about life itself !

I would also like to extend my thanks to my wonderful children, Franz, Elli and Selina-Lucia, to Jasnoula her loving Mother, to my parents and brothers, to Fritz und Burgi Bläuel and family, Karsten Wunder, his father and family, Serguej Maximov und C.W. Moss, Stefan Strahl-I and Buddy Thelen, Filip Hiemann and Schleck & Stecker, Martin Ebs and Margit Hecker, Lena Kirschstein, Aniel Ramjanam & Jinny Thielsch, Mona & Yolanda Huber, Lena Kirschstein, Angelika Hoeher, Francis van Oorschot, Katherina Dustmann, Sotiris Papadeas, Petrit Behari, die Duncker 14/15, G.I.Gurdjieff, Arundhati Roy, Jes & Julie Lim (Julie especially for her wonderful calligraphies), Drunvalo Melchizedek, Daniela Schenker, the Qi-Mag Family & to all my wonderful friends, colleagues and partners whom I have not included here...

and naturally to Miren Merkelbach and Holger Niehaus (Artwork), Sergej Moss, Fenella Baptista & Katerina, Samira Eisenbach, Marietta Varveri & Maria Zerafeim for the translations into all sorts of languages !


   Weimar , Sep. 20th 2006

   "Where love and compassion shine, peace is evident"

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